Wednesday, October 10, 2018

#AirNavConf - Day 2 Session 5 - Agenda Item 1: Air navigation global str...

#AirNavConf - Day 2 Session 5 - Agenda Item 1: Air navigation global strategy

Committee A - Agenda Item 1: Air navigation global strategy

1.1: Vision and overview of the sixth edition of the GANP
1.2: Air navigation performance improvement and measurement through the aviation system block upgrades (ASBUs) and basic building blocks (BBBs) framework
1.3: Air navigation roadmaps
1.4: Air navigation business cases

The Conference will be invited to put forward recommendations on:

a) the vision, performance ambitions and overview proposed for the sixth edition of the GANP;
b) the latest developments of the ASBUs framework;
c) the BBBs framework; and
d) the air navigation roadmaps and the methodology for development of business cases.

#AirNavConf - Day 1 Session 4 - Plenary (cont'd)

#AirNavConf - Day 1 Session 4 - Plenary (cont'd)

#AirNavConf - Day 1 Session 4 - Plenary (cont'd)

#AirNavConf - Day 1 Session 4 - Plenary (cont'd)

SkyTalk - ICAO's Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) Programme

SkyTalk - ICAO's Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) Programme  :  Tim Adams, ICAO, presents ICAO's Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) Programme

SkyTalk - Disruptive technologies and its role in the democratization of...

SkyTalk - Disruptive technologies and its role in the democratization of the future of aviation : Yuri Fattah, Programme Manager, ICAO, discusses disruptive technologies and its role in the democratization of the future of aviation.